JAN 'yahudeejay' PAWUL
41- 709 Ruda Śląska
Kościuszki 1 / 9, POLAND
tel. / fax. +48 32 609789507
Birth date and place : 5 july 1952 - Ożarów - Poland
Education :
1959 - 1967 - Elementary School - graduated
1967 - 1970 - Professional School - graduated
1970 - 1971 - Technical School - not graduated
1971 - 1971 - Evening College - not graduated
1976 - 1976 - Evening Technical School - not graduated
1977 - present time - Extensive Education as Self - Teaching Way
Qualifications / Competence :
- English Language on High Enough Level
- Knowledge ( Know - How ) to Negotiate About Bussines / Agreements with Homecountry and Foreign Managers / Companies
- A Lot of Various Themes Pages Texts Translated (english-polish / polish-english) Including Complicated Licenses and Trade Agreements
- Experience How to Work With the Computer in Writing Texts, etc. (thousands of texts published)
- Knowledge and Experience How to Work With All the Office Machines / Equipment
- Knowledge and experience How to Import Foreign Goods
- Knowledge and Experience How to Promote and Advertise Products in the Media
+ Advertise Got as Result of Many Years Work for Phonographic Idustry
- developed and almost perfected methods of communication and cooperation with other people, consisting in a very open, friendly and cheerful dialogues, contacts ...
- developed and almost perfected methods of communication and cooperation with other people, consisting in a very open, friendly and cheerful dialogues, contacts ...
Past Work :
1971 - 1989 - Disco DiscJockey With Homecountry and Abroad Success
1981 - 1989 - Managing Own Trade Company - import of music soundcarriers
1989 - 1990 - Work for Record Companies : Community 3 - New York, Blue Younder Sounds - Los Angeles , Seatle
1993 - 1995 - Managing Own Modeling Agency
1995 - 1998 - Managing Own Company Service for Record Labels in Poland on the Area of Negotiations and Import Foreign Phonographic Licenses as Same as Media Promotion -
Cooperated With: ESKA RECORDS , FAN RECORDS , ACCORD RECORDS , RRX RECORDS, SILVERTON RECORDS , RAWA BLUES FESTIVAL ( interpreter and protector for Festival Artist / Stars )
Cooperated With: ESKA RECORDS , FAN RECORDS , ACCORD RECORDS , RRX RECORDS, SILVERTON RECORDS , RAWA BLUES FESTIVAL ( interpreter and protector for Festival Artist / Stars )
1999 – 2002 - writer for: DJ’s 4 DJ’s Magazine, DJ Magazine, DJ World Magazine
2001 – 2004 A&R Manager for giant and very modern discotheque name “SilverClub“ – a lot of bokings international deejays and stage live acts: http://silverclub-bielsko-biala.blogspot.com/p/starsmanager.html
2004 – deejay in the night clubs as same as editor for http://www.djsportal.com – write music (most of all DANCE MUSIC) articles - these materials are part of my five books I wrote and published as very modern eBooks on DVD-R record / DVD-Rom.
- check here:
- check here:
2005 - 2007 - copyright organisation name STOART inspector
2008 - 2010 - intensive work for giant www.djsportal.com (not existed longer) as author / editor
2011 - 2015 - final work / editing of my 5 discotheque and deejay history eBooks
2016 - over 60 blogs author, editor
2008 - 2010 - intensive work for giant www.djsportal.com (not existed longer) as author / editor
2011 - 2015 - final work / editing of my 5 discotheque and deejay history eBooks
2016 - over 60 blogs author, editor
... click on the pix to enlarge ...
Hobby :
- Homecountry and Foreign Politic
- Modeling Theory
- Polish and World Pop Music , Most of All SOUL , R & B , RAP , DANCE
- Large - Scale Reading / Study American , Professional Music Magazines
and Books + Modeling Theory
- Swiming - Cycling
- Cooking
deejay RESUME (cv)
part of general RESUME (cv)
1969 - At the age of seventeen I played first time ( as a discjockey ) music from the records for the public .
1971 - Worked for the school cable radio as a DJ hosting American and English music .
1973 - Got into the final team of the First Polish Contest for professional disco DJ's .
1973 - 1985 - Worked for many discos in Poland and became one of the most known and popular disco DJ . Also became honorary member of : THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of DISCOTHEQUE DISC JOCKEYS ( NADD ) in the USA and sister organisation in the UK ( NADJ )
1985 - Traveled to the UK for the reason to meet professional english DJ's and learn more about the DJ profession .
1971 - Worked for the school cable radio as a DJ hosting American and English music .
1973 - Got into the final team of the First Polish Contest for professional disco DJ's .
1973 - 1985 - Worked for many discos in Poland and became one of the most known and popular disco DJ . Also became honorary member of : THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of DISCOTHEQUE DISC JOCKEYS ( NADD ) in the USA and sister organisation in the UK ( NADJ )
1985 - Traveled to the UK for the reason to meet professional english DJ's and learn more about the DJ profession .
1986 - Started import of music products from USA and UK for the reason to sell / distribute in Poland . I've got some good money and at the same time some serious political problems of communist administration - because propagation such kind of music / culture was forbidden at this time in Poland .
1989 - Went to the USA and requested political asylum - Worked for independent Record Companies :
1/ COMMUNITY FOUR - in New York City - owner Albert Garzon
2/ BLUE YOUNDER SOUNDS in Los Angeles and Seattle - managing Director Dennis White, owner Randal Johnson - he is screenplay writer ( " The Doors " movie ) .
1990 - Return to Poland and have opened own company name OTRO MUSIC, designed to license , import and distribution foreign music to Poland .
1991 - 1994 - expanded OTRO MUSIC , imported additional CD's from USA and Western Europe as same as added clients to rooster .
1995 - 1998 - OTRO MUSIC is cooperateing with polish indie labels for the reason to release foreign music under the Licenses . Many negotiations with foreign Licensors , a lot of work , many profesional contacts in result of which over 40 titles was fully , legal prepared and released in Poland .
1999 - Work for the discos as a discjockey ( legendary pioneer ) - anounce 'n' mixing records 1970 'till 2011.
born 1952
visible here: http://disco-yahupawul.blogspot.com/
1989 - Went to the USA and requested political asylum - Worked for independent Record Companies :
1/ COMMUNITY FOUR - in New York City - owner Albert Garzon
2/ BLUE YOUNDER SOUNDS in Los Angeles and Seattle - managing Director Dennis White, owner Randal Johnson - he is screenplay writer ( " The Doors " movie ) .
1990 - Return to Poland and have opened own company name OTRO MUSIC, designed to license , import and distribution foreign music to Poland .
1991 - 1994 - expanded OTRO MUSIC , imported additional CD's from USA and Western Europe as same as added clients to rooster .
1995 - 1998 - OTRO MUSIC is cooperateing with polish indie labels for the reason to release foreign music under the Licenses . Many negotiations with foreign Licensors , a lot of work , many profesional contacts in result of which over 40 titles was fully , legal prepared and released in Poland .
1999 - Work for the discos as a discjockey ( legendary pioneer ) - anounce 'n' mixing records 1970 'till 2011.
Jan 'YAHUDEEJ@Y' Pawul
( discjockey /music business and modeling business expert / adviser / negotiator / writer )
41 - 709 Ruda Śląska , Kościuszki 1 / 9 , Poland , tel / fax +48 32 609789507
born 1952
an pioneer discjockey
1970 I’ve born as a professional deejay and over 40 years in action.
Honorary member of the NADD – USA 1976 – Robert J. Casey - President
( FIRST(!) - National Association of Discotheque Disc Jockeys)
Honarary member NADJ – UK 1975 – Ben Cree - President
(FIRST(!) National Association of Disc Jockeys)
Inter City Soul Club UK member 1982 – Tom Scott – President
Disco & Club News UK 1982 membership – Jerry Gilbert – President
Press Articles published about me:
august 1975 – DEEJAY monthly – UK
january 1976 – DISC JOCKEY and RADIO TODAY – UK
may 1976 – DISCO MIRROR – UK
june / july 1976 – MELTING POT – USA
september 1979 – PROGRESSIVE PLATTER – USA
october 1979 – DISCOTHEKIN’ – USA
december 1979 – DANCE MUSIC REPORT – USA
september 1980 – LMN – USA
january 1981 – INSIGHT – UK
march 1981 – THE METRO – USA
february 1983 – RAM MAGAZINE – AUSTRALIA
january 1984 – BOSTON ROCK – USA
june 1985 – ROCKPOOL – USA
september 1985 – OPTION MAGAZINE – USA
january 1986 – OPTION MAGZAINE – USA
october 1986 – JET LAG – USA
november 1986 – THE BRUNSWICANS – USA
november 1987 – OP MAGAZINE – USA
november 1989 – YOUTH CONNECTION – USA
august 1990 – JOCKS MAGAZINE – UK
1989 – 1990 moved to New York City and Los Angeles
january 1976 – DISC JOCKEY and RADIO TODAY – UK
may 1976 – DISCO MIRROR – UK
june / july 1976 – MELTING POT – USA
september 1979 – PROGRESSIVE PLATTER – USA
october 1979 – DISCOTHEKIN’ – USA
december 1979 – DANCE MUSIC REPORT – USA
september 1980 – LMN – USA
january 1981 – INSIGHT – UK
march 1981 – THE METRO – USA
february 1983 – RAM MAGAZINE – AUSTRALIA
january 1984 – BOSTON ROCK – USA
june 1985 – ROCKPOOL – USA
september 1985 – OPTION MAGAZINE – USA
january 1986 – OPTION MAGZAINE – USA
october 1986 – JET LAG – USA
november 1986 – THE BRUNSWICANS – USA
november 1987 – OP MAGAZINE – USA
november 1989 – YOUTH CONNECTION – USA
august 1990 – JOCKS MAGAZINE – UK
1989 – 1990 moved to New York City and Los Angeles
visible here: http://disco-yahupawul.blogspot.com/
I'm 60 years old , over 40 years experienced DiscJockey , articles writer for polish music magazines , advisor and negotiator for independent Record Co. and owner of the independent radio programs network as same as music programs producer for commercial radiostations here in Poland .
I'm very good experienced in music business last 40 years of my life and work for . I did and my experience are :
As I mentioned above I'm 40 years experienced Disc Dockey , pioneer
of the discotheques here in Poland . Some music press call me " legandary " deejay . I'm still anounce and mixing records at the night clubs ( 1970 - 'till today )
Last 10 years I worked also as an advisor for a few labels ( Asta , Eska , Fan , Silverton , Accord , 2RX ) . My job was to find on the world music materials and negotiate licenses details . We've released together over 40 full time / album materials on MC's and CD's .
I'm experienced in some methods of the music and artists media promotion . I did this work for above mentioned labels .
In the year 1997 I wrote and released my book about fashion modeling .
I've wrote and published this book because of my dauther Eva - model and her model friends need . This is first professional handbook for models in Poland .
Parts of my book are licensed from the USA and world best book title
" The Professional Models Handbook " by Chicago model Linda Balhorn .
... more - much, MUCH more in my giant eBook
about worldwide disco and deejay history:
1993 - Open , together with dauther EVA ( fashion model ) , modeling agency for over 50 female / male models + kids
1995 - Beginning of collecting and study materials for the reason to write first professional handbook for models by polish author .
1996 - 1997 - Work / write the book and teaching young models about modeling .
1998 - Release and promote my " The Professional Model's Handbook " .
I'm still doin' this work and do my best to come to the very positive educational as same as commercial results !
... click on the pix to enlarge ...
Moje RESUME / CV - inaczej (zawiera aktywne linki)
jest inne od przeciętnej większości bo tak potoczyło się moje życie i samoedukacja …
- wszystko co wiem archiwizuję elektronicznie / internetowo i tak też wygląda moje Resume / CV
... nie pasuję do stworzonych organizacyjnie i systemowo ramek edukacyjnych ale przez całe moje 66 letnie życie bardzo dobrze radziłem sobie na rynku pracy pracując dla tych którzy mi zaufali, zatrudnili, zlecili pracę ...
Półpoważnie mówię, że moja wieloletnia wiedza i doświadczenie w zakresie całej polskiej i światowej historii dyskotek i deejayów sięga zdecydowanie poziomu wykształcenia - PROFESORSKIEGO :-)))))))
Moje gigantyczne książki (PIĘĆ - jedna po polsku reszta po angielsku) (PONAD 20 LAT INTENSYWNEJ PRACY NAD NIMI) są tego dowodem !!
Oczywiście nie było i nie ma możliwości uzyskania tytułu profesorskiego w oficjalnym systemie edukacji z zakresu polskiej i światowej historii dyskotek i deejayów, ponieważ jest to dziedzina słabo rozpoznana, trudno dostępna, niedoceniana i mocno ignorowana nawet w środowisku deejayskim / dyskotekowym - co wynika raczej z naturalnej indolencji oraz prymitywu tego środowiska, a i ogółu społeczności także (np. akademickiej!) !!
Ja jednak będąc w tym od samego początku (1970) miałem i mam możliwość pracy, obserwacji, kontaktów, studiowania i archiwizowania wielu niepowtarzalnych zdarzeń, zjawisk, biografii, unikalnych wywiadów, zdjęć, skanów, itp..
deejay, manager d/s bookingów zagranicznych dla dyskotek, autor artykułów i książek, manager d/s importu licencji fonograficznych,
Półpoważnie mówię, że moja wieloletnia wiedza i doświadczenie w zakresie całej polskiej i światowej historii dyskotek i deejayów sięga zdecydowanie poziomu wykształcenia - PROFESORSKIEGO :-)))))))
Moje gigantyczne książki (PIĘĆ - jedna po polsku reszta po angielsku) (PONAD 20 LAT INTENSYWNEJ PRACY NAD NIMI) są tego dowodem !!
Oczywiście nie było i nie ma możliwości uzyskania tytułu profesorskiego w oficjalnym systemie edukacji z zakresu polskiej i światowej historii dyskotek i deejayów, ponieważ jest to dziedzina słabo rozpoznana, trudno dostępna, niedoceniana i mocno ignorowana nawet w środowisku deejayskim / dyskotekowym - co wynika raczej z naturalnej indolencji oraz prymitywu tego środowiska, a i ogółu społeczności także (np. akademickiej!) !!
Ja jednak będąc w tym od samego początku (1970) miałem i mam możliwość pracy, obserwacji, kontaktów, studiowania i archiwizowania wielu niepowtarzalnych zdarzeń, zjawisk, biografii, unikalnych wywiadów, zdjęć, skanów, itp..
deejay, manager d/s bookingów zagranicznych dla dyskotek, autor artykułów i książek, manager d/s importu licencji fonograficznych,
dyrektor muzyczny radiostacji(?)
posłuchajcie moich programów nagranych kilka lat temu :-))))))
check my old radio show x 4:
Moja tzw. "wyższa czy najwyższa" (pewne dziedziny) edukacja pochodzi ze źródeł poza szkolnych czy uniwersyteckich (KTÓRYCH W SZKOŁACH I NA UNIWESYTETACH NIE BYŁO I NIE MA!) - zdobyta drogą samoedukacji opartej o różnorodne źródła, latami studiowanych materiałów, tematów i zagadnień. NIE POSIADAM POWSZECHNIE UZNANYCH PAPIERKOWYCH DOWODÓW ZDOBYTEJ EDUKACJI / WIEDZY - ALE DOKUMENTUJĄ JĄ DOSKONALE MOJE PUBLIKACJE (opublikowane książki, artykuły, blogi).
Jest to duża i sprawdzalana wiedza / umiejętności - zdobywane kilkadziesiąt lat w różnych miejscach w Polsce i na świecie !! – (Polska, USA, UK od 1970 do 2016 i nada)l.
– kliknij w link :-))))))
moje osiągnięcia, których przez wiele lat nazbierało się bardzo dużo są zapisane na moich blogach i aby je solidnie poznać należy przestudiować owe blogi: https://www.blogger.com/profile/17285858304639530388
Kliknij w link aby odczytać materiał - - - - - - - - >>
platynowa płyta z USA, wrzesień 1975
podobnych nagród mam więcej i mogę okazać fotografie.
Oryginały zaginęły podczas mego ponad rocznego pobytu,
pracy, przeprowadzek, perturbacji życiowych w USA (1989 / '90).
National Association of Discotheque Disc Jockeys – USA (1976),
National Association of Disc Jockeys – UK (1975)
+ wiele innych ... tu są skany legitymacji / dowody:
National Association of Discotheque Disc Jockeys – USA (1976),
National Association of Disc Jockeys – UK (1975)
+ wiele innych ... tu są skany legitymacji / dowody:
6 książek, ponad 60 blogów, ponad 2000 artykułów
Jan Yahu Pawul [yahudeejay]
real pioneer deejay of very early '70, writer,
proud "Disco DJ's Hall of Fame" member,
- - - - - - - - >> disco & deejay historian:
* giant eBooks author:
"Silent Records" - worlwide disco & deejay history in english:
"Discjockey" - polish disco & deejay history in polish:
"Deejay's" - story of German techno deejays in english:
6 książek, ponad 60 blogów, ponad 2000 artykułów
Jan Yahu Pawul [yahudeejay]
real pioneer deejay of very early '70, writer,
proud "Disco DJ's Hall of Fame" member,
- - - - - - - - >> disco & deejay historian:
* giant eBooks author:
"Silent Records" - worlwide disco & deejay history in english:
"Discjockey" - polish disco & deejay history in polish:
"Deejay's" - story of German techno deejays in english:
"Italian Disco History" - story of Italia deejays in english:
"YAHUDEEJAY - trampled dreams" - polish disco & deejay history in english:
"Modelka" – pierwszy i jedyny polski poradnik zawodowy dla modelek i modeli:
check my social media profiles:
wywiad prasowy / press interview:
wywiad prasowy / press interview:
check my awards:
Oczekiwane wynagrodzenie netto (na rękę):
7000 zł miesięcznie (negocjowalne rzecz jasna :-)))))
Lokalizacja poszukiwanej pracy: Polska, Śląsk
… ale ‘on-line’ mogę pracować dla całego świata :-))))
7000 zł miesięcznie (negocjowalne rzecz jasna :-)))))
Lokalizacja poszukiwanej pracy: Polska, Śląsk
… ale ‘on-line’ mogę pracować dla całego świata :-))))
Vide także moje filmiki na YouTube
... ile życia, pracy i osiągnięć - tyle Resume / cv :-)))))))))
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